~*~Oekaki Fun For All~!~*~
Wahoo~!!! The Oekaki is FINALLY re opened!!.. well sorta ^^;; Retrorat and I finally found a good server (well hers~! X3) to use to upload the oekaki from, because Prohosting unexplainably wiped out my oekaki @_@; And what was worse was the poo CGI files we had simply REFUSED to work properly =_____=;; . But after many many days (or week+? I forget o_O;;;; ) we FINALLY Got a good oekaki up and running! We're using the Aotoma(sp? O_o) CGI, and I will admit.. it Is VERY different from what we're all used to, but given time we'll all be oekaki addicts again X3. And it's not all bad really ^^;; I just have to figure out how to update it is all ^^;;
The Rules are still the same tho, even tho some things may be different ^^; so still adhear to them or suffer! >:D
1- Don't draw anything offensive or flame anyone. This also means no pictures being offensively directed towards someone or a group of people, no pictures depicting anything racist, bias, or an offensive nature to religion, sexuality, and gender. This will not be tolerated and pictures and comments will be instantly deleted.
2- No drawing anything hentai. Artistic nudity is allowed but anything showing any form of hentai or porn related behavior will be deleted. You want to be a perv go to some 18+ site or something ^^;;
3- No starting flame wars against someone's drawing for any reason, whether it be their drawing skill or anything that relates to rule one. These comments will be deleted. Also, if you just don't like the person, just leave them alone or at least go e-mail them or something to work it out -_- oekaki boards aren't meant for things like this
4- No spamming or mass spamming comments or pictures/posts. I Know there is a program out there that can upload pics to oekaki boards but PLEASE keep it to a minimum! Spamming is just plain ridiculous and wastes space and bandwidth and stuff. Plus it annoys people severely and pushes everyone else's posts down off the page which is not fun. Also with comments, if you posted a comment click the sort by date of doodle button NOT refresh! Hitting refresh will post your comment again causing Spam! Any form of Spam will be deleted
5- Pertaining to rule 4 with the program thing, please at least limit it to other oekaki posts or paintchat pictures ^_^. It wouldn't look right nor be fair to post something you did in Photoshop while everyone else uses oekaki now would it? Also.. Do not claim other people's works as your own! Not only is that bad but it is Illegal. If I find this has happened or if you posted something not from paintchat or another oekaki they will be deleted. Just trying to make this fair for all of us ^_^;
6- Finally, There is no right or wrong way to do art. Just because you have more talent than someone else doesn't mean they're wasting their time ok? Everyone's art is equal on me board. Please don't cause trouble because someone's pic isn't as good as yours or ignore it. If you really put effort into the pic then that's all that counts ^_^. But silly no effort doodles won't be tolerated, they are in the same boat Spam is, it gets annoying and can cause problems. If you tried your best that's ok, but if you're just slacking off and doing whatever then that can be a problem. Basically, please refrain from doing pointless no brainer doodles ok? regular doodles with some effort at least are alright, as long as you try your best! Any kind of pointless doodle will have to be deleted.
There. I hope that wasn't too bad o_O;; I'm not trying to be a warden, I'm just trying to make this place open and welcome for everyone of all ages to enjoy ^_^. I hope I didn't scare anyone off or anything o_O; Just keep in mind the rules aren't that bad nor insanely evil... I just have a bad habit of going into massive detail XP Just try to simplify what I said to keep in mind ok? I highly doubt 6 easy to follow rules aren't too hellish ^_-
All done? |Onward To the Oekaki~!!!!|-Back to EoS-|